Nihil Est Superius

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Nihil Est Superius (Nothing Is Superior, NES) is a neo-fascist group based in Rome. Founded in 2007, NES has slowly grown from a small organization, largely confined to the Monte Mario neighborhood of northern Rome, to a CasaPound Italia (House of [Ezra] Pound Italy), La Lega (The League), and Fratelli d'Italia (Brothers of Italy, FdI) affiliated far-right group (NES Italia 2014b). NES describes its ideological platform as "Nazionali Sociali Popolari" (Nationalists Socialists Populists, NSP)a thinly-veiled allusion to the National Socialism espoused by Nazi Germany (NES Italia 2019a). NES maintains a strong social media presence via multiple platforms, including Facebook and Instagram.

Much like Forza Nuova (New Force), CPI, FdI, and others, NES supports its own neo-fascist youth group – Generazione Popolare (Popular Youth, GP)which holds demonstrations, rallies, and marches in Rome alongside the city's other far-right youth organizations, including the FdI affiliated Gioventù Nazionale (National Youth). Like NES, GP also maintains a strong social media presence, which is intended to attract disaffected Roman youth to NES' far-right agenda.

Beyond GP, NES hosts an annual youth conference called Castrum Italia, which is a contemporary version of the Movimento Sociale Italiano's (Italian Social Movement) so-called "Hobbit Camps," which took place frequently throughout Italy during the 1970s and 80s (NES Italia 2023; Last 2017). NES also hosts an annual solstice commemoration called Solstitium, which is intended to promote a kind of Nazi-esque pagan mysticism (NES Italia 2019b). Similar to CPI, NES also supports a number of neo-fascist rock 'n roll groups, including the now disbanded Ennessepi (a phonetic spelling of NSP) and, more recently, Senza Nome (Without a Name), which is featured on one of the posters in this collection (NES Italia 2014a).

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