Magnitudo Italia

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Magnitudo Italia (Magnitude Italy, MI) is a far-right populist organization based in Rome. Branding itself as an "identity movement"a subtle, and plausibly deniable, nod to other fascistic groups operating in Western Europe, such as France's Les Identitaires (The Identarians, formerly Identity Bloc)MI frequently partners with other Italian political groups and parties, including Fratelli d'Italia (Brothers of Italy), La Lega (The League), and Nihil Est Superius (Nothing Is Superior, NES), in staging "patriotic" demonstrations, rallies, and marches in and around Rome. "Our goal," MI's mission statement explains, "is to be present in the squares and streets of our cities and become advocates for the hardships that the Italian population has been enduring for too many years."

Despite its rhetorical bluster, however, MI remains a small and relatively uninfluential organization, largely confined to its subordinate partnerships with Italy's more well-established far-right organizations. This, however, has not gotten in the way of the group's own self-styled revolutionary public image: "Do you want to know who we are?" MI's "Who We Are" manifesto explains, adding: "We are the war against the system!" (N/D).

MI frequently promotes other organizations' far-right activities, including Generazione Popolare's (Popular Youth, GP) annual youth conference, Castrum Italia (Magnitudo Italia 2023). What's more, there appears to be a loose connection between MI and the various Fronte della Gioventù (Youth Front, FdG) posters which appeared throughout Rome between October 2018 and May of the following year. In May 2019, for instance, just as the city's 'conservatives' were preparing for the "March for Life" demonstration in Piazza della Repubblica, a FdG poster bearing the phrase "L'Europa riparte dai giovani" (Europe Is Renewed by the Youth) began appearing in Rome's Monte Mario, Trionfale, and Della Vittoria neighborhoods (2019). In November 2018, MI held a demonstration against the mayor of Rome, Virginia Raggi, in Piazza del Popolo, which included a banner with an strikingly similar phrasing: "L'Italia riparte dai giovani" (Italy Is Renewed by Its Youth) (Magnitudo Italia 2017). Since FdG was dissolved in the mid-1990s along with its parent organization, the MSI, it remains a mystery as to which individual or organization – or, perhaps, which constellation of individuals and organizations – was responsible for the dissemination of these FdG-branded materials. The usage of these similar phrases, however, combined with the concentration of these posters and banners in Rome's northern neighborhoods, where MI is headquartered, strongly suggests a connection between the latter and the FdG posters.

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