Filed Under Poster



Movimento CAOS (CHAOS Movement, MC) was a far-right youth group based in Rome. During the three years of its existence (2018-21), MC produced a handful of far-right materials and branded clothing, hosted youth-oriented public events and activities, and staged various "patriotic" demonstrations, rallies, and marches primarily in and around Italy's capital city. Although not openly neo-fascist, MC's propaganda posters and handbills, along with the group's various postings on its Instagram account, frequently promoted fascistic ideas and values, including quotes by the founder of the Futurist Movement, F. T. Marinetti, and a handful of anti-left wing phrases, sayings, and commentary (Movimento CAOS 2021). Although no longer active in Rome, MC represented the contemporary Italian far right's ongoing efforts to capture, and transform, Italian youth consciousness towards neo-fascist social, cultural, and political objectives.


Caos. This poster was produced by CHAOS Movement, a dissolved far-right youth group based in Rome. While active, the group aimed to transform Italian youth consciousness towards neo-fascist objectives via subtly-designed propaganda materials, many of which featured quotes by prominent 20th century fascists and anti-left wing phrases, sayings, and commentary. Source: Photograph by Brian J Griffith (December 28, 2020).
Fig. 1
Fig. 1 One of CHAOS Movement's posters on the façade of the State Scientific Lyceum Talete in Rome. Source: Photograph by Brian J Griffith (April 30, 2019).
Fig. 2
Fig. 2 A collection of CHAOS Movement's black and yellow posters on the façade of the Cornelio Tacito State Classical Lyceum in Rome. Notice the accompanying layers of other neo-fascist materials, including half-worn posters and graffiti. On the walkway below, moreover, one can see piles of shredded CHAOS Movement posters, highlighting the ideological struggle between the far right and its opposition in Italy's public schools. Source: Photograph by Brian J Griffith (April 30, 2019).
Fig. 3
Fig. 3 A group of CHAOS Movement members holding a banner bearing the slogan "How Chaos Seems to Us" via the group's Instagram account. Source: Movimento CAOS, "Fiori cresciuti in mezzo ai sampietrini," Instagram (February 1, 2020).


Related Resources

Movimento CAOS, “Caos.,” Where Monsters Are Born: Documenting a Fascist Revival in the Streets of Rome, 2018-2019, accessed October 22, 2024,