
The materials in this theme underscore the significance of “national liberation,” in its various expressions, to today's Italian neo-fascist community.

Founded in 2015, but based on a dissolved neo-fascist youth organization formerly coordinated by the Movimento Sociale Italiano (Italian Social Movement, MSI), the Fronte della Gioventù's (Youth Front, FdG) objective is to "bring youth back on top." The youth group's contemporary leadership has…
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This oversized banner features the logo of CasaPound Italia (House of [Ezra] Pound Italy, CPI), a neo-fascist "accelerationist" organization that describes its members as "third millennium fascists" (2012). The group was founded in 2003, when members forced their way into and subsequently occupied…
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"The old world is dying. The new one is slow to appear. And in this interregnum [chiaroscuro], monsters are born."

— Antonio Gramsci, Prison Notebooks