Lotta Studentesca

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Lotta Studentesca (Student Struggle, LS) is Forza Nuova's (New Force, FN) neo-fascist youth group. Although LS frequently claims that it has been "present in the largest piazze of Italy since 1976" – a reference, perhaps, to a far-right youth organization by the same name which was loosely affiliated with the notorious Cold War-era neo-fascist group, Terza Posizione (Third Position) – the roots of today's LS were actually established shortly after FN's founding in 1997. Much like its counterparts in Italy's various other extreme right-wing organizations, LS frequently participates in various far-right demonstrations, rallies, and marches, usually in conjunction with FN. "We are the sword of the Arditi," LS' website explains, "the assault unit that during the First World War represented the vanguard of our army" (2023). Positioning itself as a "metamovement," the youth group is "neither of the Right or the Left," according to its website; this loosely references interwar Italian Fascism's "Third Way" position between Liberal Democracy and Bolshevism (Antonucci 2011: 113). Outlining LS' commitments to neo-fascism's potential for reshaping the political culture of contemporary Italy via street-level demonstrations and instances of political violence, the statement concludes: "we are YOUNG REVOLUTIONARIES!" (2023).

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