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A Domenico

(To Domenico)

On February 2, 2018, Domenico Maria Dorsa – a young member of the far-right groups Nihil Est Superius (Nothing Is Superior, NES) and Fratelli d'Italia (Brothers of Italy, FdI) – passed away following a car accident on the northern stretches of Rome's Great Ring Junction (GRJ) – a motorway which encircles the city's outermost stretches (Nozzoli 2018). Dorsa had been a passenger in a vehicle which suddenly lost control, veered off of the road, and smashed into a tree near the GRJ's Via Salaria offramp. In the days following Dorsa's accident, Giorgia Meloni – the founder and President of FdI – issued a public statement via her Facebook account, lamenting the former's passing: "In this moment of sorrow," Meloni wrote, "our condolences and sympathies [vicinanza] go to Domenico's family and all those who knew him" (Meloni 2018).

While not associated in any way with political violence, as had been the case with many of Cold War Italy's far-right "martyrs" during the Years of Lead (1968-82), the anniversary of Dorsa's passing was quickly transformed into a neo-fascist-style commemoration by his former "comrades" within Rome's far-right community (Figs. 1 and 2).

This poster, which was produced by NES, was disseminated primarily in Rome's Trionfale and Della Vittoria neighborhoods, with a handful of them appearing as far away as Nomentano and Trieste on the other side of the city. Accompanied by a picturesque photograph of a burning campfire at dawn, symbolizing Fascism's myth of national rebirth, the poster features a well-known quote from Chapter 6 of "The Return of the King," the third volume in J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings trilogy:

Out of doubt, out of dark, to the day's rising he rode singing in the sun, sword unsheathing. Hope he rekindled, and in hope he ended; over death, over dread, over doom lifted out of loss, out of life, unto long glory (Tolkien 2004: 976).

The Tolkien quote is an indirect reference to the influence of the Movimento Sociale Italiano's (Italian Social Movement) so-called "Hobbit Camps," which took place throughout Italy during the 1970s and 80s (Last 2017). To many in post-World War II Italy's neo-fascist community, the Shirethe Hobbits' quasi-utopian homeland in Tolkien's storiesrepresented the ideal ethno-nationalist community, unsullied by the purportedly "degenerative" influences of industrial modernity. Beneath the campfire and the Tolkien quote, a salute to Dorsa – "A Domenico" (To Domenico) – is seen alongside NES' neo-classical logo.

In addition to this poster, which continues to be disseminated throughout Rome every January and February, NES sponsored a "Concert in Domenico's Memory" in February 2019.


A Domenico
A Domenico This poster was produced by Nothing Is Superior to commemorate Domenico Maria Dorsa, a member of various far-right groups, following his fatal car accident near Rome's Great Ring Junction in February 2018. Distributed largely in the city's Trionfale and Della Vittoria neighborhoods, it features a campfire symbolizing Fascism's myth of national rebirth, paired with a quote from J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, evoking the neo-fascist nostalgia for an idealized ethno-nationalist community. Source: Photograph by Brian J Griffith (December 28, 2020).
Fig. 1
Fig. 1 National Youth – one of the Brothers of Italy's two far-right youth groups – commemorates the sudden passing of Domenico Maria Dorsa just four days after his fatal car accident on Rome's Great Ring Junction via their Instagram account. | Captions: "Love and courage undoubtedly change history" (left); "Goodbye Dom[inic]" (right). Source: Gioventù Nazionale, "Ciao Domenico," Instagram (February 6, 2018).
Fig. 2
Fig. 2 A photograph of a make-shift memorial for Domenico Maria Dorsa by members of Nothing Is Superior on their Instagram account. | Caption: "There is only one way to never die, and that way is to truly live!" Source: Nihil Est Superius, "A Dom," Instagram (January 31, 2019).
Fig. 3
Fig. 3 Nothing Is Superior commemorates the first anniversary of Domenico Maria Dorsa's fatal car accident via their Instagram account. | Caption: "Goodbye Domenic." Source: Nihil Est Superius, "Ciao Domenico," Instagram (February 3, 2019).


Related Resources

Nihil Est Superius, “A Domenico,” Where Monsters Are Born: Documenting a Fascist Revival in the Streets of Rome, 2018-2019, accessed October 22, 2024,