Filed Under Sticker

Casale Fascist Crew

(Casale Fascist Crew)

This sticker was designed in the style of the official logo for the popular American outdoor performance clothing and equipment company, The North Face (NF), and features the phrase "Casale Fascist Crew." Most likely short for Casale Monferrato – a large town in Italy's northern region of Piedmont, which is a known metropolitan hub for communities with far-right sympathies – the sticker highlights the growing influence of "eco-fascism" in contemporary Italy (Walsh 2022). A synthesis of ultra-nationalist, as well as biologically racist, values with concerns regarding the sustainability of regional, national, and international ecologies amidst the environmental exploitations of global consumer capitalism, eco-fascism has gained increasing traction among the European and North American far right, especially in conjunction with mass immigration and the arrival of large numbers of asylum seekers on Europe's and the United States' southern frontiers.

This sticker likely came from one of CasaPound Italia's (House of [Ezra] Pound Italy, CPI) regional divisions in Piedmont. Although the sticker was most likely produced in northern Italy, it was collected from a metal pole just outside of CPI's Roman headquarters on Via Napoleone III, where the neo-fascist organization has been illegally squatting since December 2003. The sticker was likely affixed to the pole by Piedmontese CPI members who had come to Rome to attend one of many social gatherings or sponsored lectures at the illegal Esquilino headquarters, including the April 25, 2019 roundtable discussion on the "magical archeology" of Giacomo Boni.


Casale Fascist Crew
Casale Fascist Crew This sticker was designed in the style of The North Face's logo and features the provocative slogan "Casale Fascist Crew." It reflects the growing influence of eco-fascism in Italy, combining ultra-nationalist and biologically racist values with environmental concerns. Likely produced by CasaPound Italy's Piedmont chapter, it was collected near the group's illegally-occupied headquarters in Rome, highlighting the extent of their influence throughout the peninsula. Source: Photograph by Brian J Griffith (December 28, 2020).


Related Resources

Unaffiliated or Unknown, “Casale Fascist Crew,” Where Monsters Are Born: Documenting a Fascist Revival in the Streets of Rome, 2018-2019, accessed October 22, 2024,