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Famiglia – Scusate se è normale

Family – Sorry If It's Normal

This poster was produced by the far-right political activism organization Magnitudo Italia (Magnitude Italy, MI) to promote the "Marcia per la Vita" (March for Life) rally in Rome's Piazza della Repubblica on May 18, 2019. Near the center of the poster, viewers are confronted by an oversized "FAMIGLIA" (FAMILY), followed by the sarcastic comment: "Scusate se è normale" (Sorry If It's Normal). At the top of the poster, an image of a White, heterosexual Italian family is presented as the archetype of the "traditional" family structure: husband, wife, and their biological children.

MI frequently brands itself as an "identity movement" – a subtle, and plausibly deniable, nod to other crypto-fascist groups operating in Western Europe, such as France's Bloc Identitaire (Identity Bloc). MI frequently partners with other domestic political parties, including La Lega (The League) and Fratelli d'Italia (Brothers of Italy), in staging "patriotic" demonstrations, rallies, and marches primarily in and around Rome. "Our goal," MI's mission statement explains, "is to be present in the squares and streets of our cities and become advocates for the hardships that the Italian population has been enduring for too many years" (N/Da). Despite its rhetorical bluster, however, MI remains a small and relatively uninfluential organization, largely confined to its subordinate partnerships with Italy's more well-established far-right organizations. This, however, has not gotten in the way of the group's own self-styled revolutionary public image: "Do you want to know who we are?" MI's "Who We Are" manifesto explains, adding: "We are the war against the system!" (N/Db).


Famiglia – Scusate se è normale
Famiglia – Scusate se è normale This poster was produced by the far-right political activism organization Magnitude Italy to promote the group's participation in the "March for Life" rally in Rome's Piazza della Repubblica on May 18, 2019. It features an oversized "FAMILY," the sarcastic quip "Sorry If It's Normal," and a White, heterosexual Italian family as the archetype of the "proper" family structure. Source: Photograph by Brian J Griffith (December 28, 2020).
Fig. 1
Fig. 1 A collection of Magnitude Italy's "Family – Sorry If It's Normal" posters on a municipal billboard near Rome's Piazza Balduina. Source: Photograph by Brian J Griffith (May 13, 2019).


Related Resources

Magnitudo Italia, “Famiglia – Scusate se è normale,” Where Monsters Are Born: Documenting a Fascist Revival in the Streets of Rome, 2018-2019, accessed October 22, 2024,